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Thursday, June 25, 2009

the sissy has an ultrasonic day

as it turns out, i'm a sissy. well, to put it more accurately ... a cyst-y. today i found out that i've got a cyst, and that was what had turned me into a wimping (and rather worried) mama-to-be. i've been having a lot of pain the past few days, and i was beginning to fear that my baby (babies?) had hunkered down in my fallopian tubes ... :S.
needless to say, after a few anxious days, today's ultrasound was a big relief.
after a painful walk through a gorgeously green and sunny halifax (hooray for the rain, now that it's gone!), patrick and i sat nervously in the ultrasound room - eyeing the ultrasonic wand with something other than joy and delight. what were we about to discover ... was this so-new pregnancy about to end in sadness? was i going to ever be a mother at all? or, worse thought, was i going to be the new octomom?
all the trepidation disappeared, however, when the doctor showed us a beautiful, healthy, thumping little grain of rice on the screen. when i heard patrick gasp, i could barely look away from the screen to look at his amazing face - we gripped hands and watched our little baby thump thump thump its existence with all its might.
the doctor took a few pictures, did some measuring, and then reassured us about my cyst (apparently everything is okay ... i've just got to stick the pain out for now).
we left the hospital in relief - joy - awe ...
in four weeks, we get to go back and look at the little bean/pickle/belzoir all over again. :). i'm so excited to see how much our baby grows!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

birthday pies and bike rides

june 10th was dad's birthday. i promised to bake him a cake, but when i was in the grocery store, i saw pie shells and remembered how much dad likes pie. so instead of a cake, i made him two birthday pies!
this was all fine and dandy. however ...
patrick and i are selling our car. it needs an inspection and we've taken the insurance off it. we got bikes to get around town, but when it came time to take the pies over to mom and dad's place ...
undaunted, we packed each pie into a reusable grocery bag with wide flat bottoms (the kind you get when you eat too much pie). then we slung the bags around our necks and the pies hung down in front of our bellies (the kind you get when you eat too much pie). then we had the most bow-legged bike-trip over to mom and dad's ...
people looked at us like we were crazy (we probably were) and i hardly dared do a shoulder check in case i upset the pie. patrick got tired of having his hung around his neck, and moved it to his handlebar. i groaned inside everytime his knee went up - bonk, up - bonk ...
but at long last, the pies arrived safely (a little jiggled - but intact).
the ride home was much more fun. the night air was warm and soft, and traffic was so light we even rode side by side and held hands for a bit. coming home after a bike ride is so much more satisfying than coming home after a trip in the car ... and i think patrick loves it because i can't backseat drive - i'm too busy riding my own bike to give him advice ;)