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Sunday, April 10, 2011

to do list

not a dreamy, hopey, someday list ... a really practical gotta-get-done-today list.
i'm SO BAD at getting things done unless i have a list to tick off.

this is my tonight list.  i'll check 'em off as i get them done, and we'll see if they all get checked off tonight!!

  • change our bed.   (this has been put on hold ... back-up sheets also needed washing.  new item below:)
  • laundry
  • clean the bathroom.
  • vacuum.
  • sweep 
  • make a smoothie (yum, this one was my favorite)
  • address thank you cards (which are FINALLY all written!  sam has a huge collection of generous friends!)
  • and maybe ... maybe ... make a grocery list.

update: 2 down, 5 and a half to go :)

update #2: so 4 out of 8 isn't bad.  i got derailed by a hungry baby and some unexpected company.  tomorrow is another day, and i will tackle the rest :).


    1. Great job, Toedrinks! i'm really impressed with how much you did get done, youre really industrious and productive. thanks for totally bossing our house. you rock and i love you really lots.

    2. Parenthood sure does a number on you, eh? But the smiles, snuggles and getting to see them pee on your husband makes it all worth it :)

    3. I can totally relate. Somehow it just needs to be on paper in order to keep me on track. And I LOVE scratching each item off the list - feels so good!
      I hope you get your smoothie! I think you've earned it.

    4. thanks for the smoothie, chicken. you totally rock.
