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Friday, December 21, 2018

Grownups are like Pascal!

We had a snow day today - or a rain day - a bad weather day, and Sam's little friend was with us for the day.

At lunch time, Vava non-sequitered, "If anyone is sad because they don't have a daddy, they can be happy because" - and here she paused, and pointed up.

"Because God's our father," finished Sam's friend.

"Even Mama's," Sam laughed, "And compared to God, Mama's a baby."

"Mama's like Pascal," Vava hooted, "and we're all one day old!"

"Grownups are like Pascal! The whole world is just babies!"  

And the table erupted with laughter and the conversation veered away, but it left me smiling because exactly.


We're all just babies and we need Him. Which is why Jesus came to us as one of us -

As an absolute baby.
Immanuel; God with us.

Merry Christmas, friends.

1 comment:

  1. "wrong pronunciation." I believe this was a very serious error, not only in that the couple missed getting the round but also that a legitimate variety of English was dismissed as "wrong." Her rendering was approximately [ɪmˡbrɔɪdəd].
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