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Sunday, October 13, 2019


Vava and Kachi both have birthdays on Thanksgiving weekend, so the holiday kind of gets lost in the bustle. 

We don't live near family, so we don't have any special Thanksgiving traditions or meals to attend (which is probably a good thing with all the partying going on over here).
Every year, a chip truck in town does a fundraiser for the food bank. In exchange for 2 non-perishables, or a cash donation, they give a plate of fresh-from-the-farm turkey dinner, complete with a pumpkin tart for dessert.  So, in the middle of our busy weekend, without lifting a pot or chopping a single vegetable, we just swing by Bakers Fries and get to sit down to a gorgeous turkey dinner.

It wasn't planned. (If I was going to plant a family ritual around Thanksgiving, it probably would have been something involving way more work for me and with considerably less awesome results.) Sam and I just stumbled across it while walking home from church on our first Smiths Falls Thanksgiving. It's a good gift.

For this, along with a life full of visible and hidden blessings, I am truly thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

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