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Sunday, December 29, 2013

661 to 670

661. Vava in her adorable new outfit.
662. Sam wearing size 4 today. Gak. My two-year-old is a giant.
663. Friends greeting us with crayons and a colouring sheet for Sam at church today.
664. Sam and Vava going to the same class in Sunday School together ♥.
665. Soup and friends for supper.
666. Cuddles from bright baby Sophia.
667. My lovely dish-washing mother-in-law.
668. Vava warm on this cold day in her new coat.
669. The Reason for patience.
670. The hope of seeing Your face.


  1. 665 made me giggle- sounds like you ate soup and friends ;) - Shyla

    1. Nothing like a little cannibalism to make a good soup haha!

    2. Nothing like a little cannibalism to make a good soup haha!
