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Saturday, December 14, 2024

how good and how pleasant

Now that our kids are older, Patrick and I love a good sleep-in on the weekend.
This morning, however, we set our alarm for 8 and woke up early to go sit in a chilly arena.
Not because we have kids in hockey (we don't). Not because it was a riveting game (it wasn't even). But because our friends were there.

December is a busy time of year. Colds and flu stalk and threaten, Christmas parties and concerts and traveling begin. There's shopping to do, presents to wrap, parcels to deliver. Theme days and thank you cards. Who has time to sit and catch up with friends? 

But I've realized something lately.
Working full time, dealing with a new medical reality in our family, running my kids to and fro - all of these things drain my energy. All of these good, valuable things that I enjoy and willingly take on leave me tired . But after a joyful connection with friends, I can do it for another week. And after a joyful connection with friends, I'm not just able to keep going, I'm happy about it. 

Last Friday some friends and I decided to head to the city for dinner and shopping after work. Often, Friday evenings find Patrick and I napping on the couch while the kids eat pizza around us. It's the end of a long week and who has the energy for more? But last Friday, I did! We laughed and chatted and talked and cried and tried on clothes and shopped until the stores closed. And on Saturday I woke up so happy, content to tackle chores and tick off my to-do list. I was eager to wash my floor. Why? Because I was filled up.

And then I realized - I had felt the same way the week before, after a lunch date with friends. And the same way a few weeks before that, when a bunch of us went out for trivia.

Yes, Ariel, I too wanna be where the people are.

A friend of mine recently shared her thoughts with me about Jesus' righteous love for us. It's right for him to love us, she rejoiced. It's good and holy and not just something he does out of duty, but because it's good.

Jesus loves us, and it is good.

And he wants us to love each other too. Not as a task, not as a chore or a job or a drain, but because it's good.

Do you have some good friends? They are gifts from God. Enjoy regularly for maximum wellness ❤️ 

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