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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Inside Out

You know in the cartoon Inside Out, when Riley learns the value of sadness - 
She discovers that her sorrows provide opportunities for others to gather around her in comfort. 

I keep finding out the same thing. 

Sorrows bring comforters, like you - my friends.
Sadness brings people together, pulling the kind and caring ones out of the quiet and into our consciousness. Cynics might say Misery loves company, but I don't think it does. I think Misery wants other people to be miserable, but I think Sorrow loves company.

Inside Out is such a clever title, because we get the story from the inside out, but also - the truth of joy and sadness is inside out. Riley thought only joy was good - only joy could make her happy. But she learned the inside out truth that the warm and deep feelings of comfort, sympathy, compassion, only come when sadness is present. And those feelings are good and rich and bind us together.

I think Christmas is full of upside down and inside out truth too.

The king in the manger.
A baby in danger.
A virgin with child.
A God, meek and mild.

John 1:5 says -

The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it].

(Amplified version).

The darkness of saying goodbye to Buzz made your comfort so bright and warm, dear friends. The heavy sorrow we carry is lightened by your kindnesses and warmth. 
Thank you for lighting candles for us in all your multiple ways.

Merry Christmas, dear friends.

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