navy lines background

Monday, December 4, 2023


The envy of kings
The starriest thing
The babe that sent wise men a-wandering
The one who was odd 
Born of a woman and God
And set prophets and priestesses pondering,
They laid his sweet head
In a haphazard bed
While a star shone afresh in the night sky.
He nestled in straw
Did they sleep? Did they aww?
Did his dad stay awake to shoo fruit flies?
Was there a line of onlookers
Or some Bethlehem hookers
Bringing his spent mom a hot plate?
Did she curl up on the floor
And sleep deeply and snore?
Or did she worry, and hover, and stay up late?

The only details the story gives us are these: 
She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them. (Luke 2:7)

If I was writing this, there are so many more things I'd want to include. Who helped at the birth? Was Mary terrified? Did Joseph faint like the dads in those 1930s movies, or was he helpful, or nowhere nearby at all?
Bethlehem was crowded, and there were probably lots of other people who couldn't find a place to sleep too. Did they get in the way? Did they share food? Did Mary tell any of them about the angel's visit and her cousin's baby?
But Luke, instead, just tells us this.
He was wrapped in strips of cloth, and he was laid in a manger.

When I am grasping at straws
It shifts something in me
To remember his first sleep
Was on a bed of straw.
The one who won't break a bent reed
Bent, himself, so low
To say lo, I am with you
(I am! with you!)

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